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Logo About Us HomeAbout Us Setting up in 2002 PT. Sinergi Integra Persada as the Siemens Distributor and System Integrator of PT. Siemens Indonesia. Mr. Kiman Jaya Ishak Untoro is the Owner and Director in the new company in Surabaya. His office was at Pertokoan Semut Indah Blok A-12 Surabaya. Before Setting Up the new company, He had already done and managed the Automation project and Division for more than 25 years. in December 2008, PT. Sinergi Integra Persada moved to a new building at Jl. Undaan Wetan 36A-36B, Surabaya. In December 2011, PT. Sinergi Integra Persada opened a new Branch office in Jakarta
jl. undaan wetan 36A-B