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Detail Pekerjaan

PT Magada Tirta Amerta

Creative Support Bandung

PT Magada Tirta Amerta


Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat


Full-TimeKerja di kantor

Terakhir diperbarui pada 17 Juni 2024



Minimal S1


Jenis Kelamin

Tidak ada ketentuan



Maksimal 35 Tahun



Minimal 1 Tahun

Pekerjaan ini membutuhkan

checkDesain Editorial

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Job Description :

  • Create visualizations that convey accurate messaging for the campaign

  • Create and design various materials for digital and print

  • Ensure projects are completed in a timely manner with a quality product

  • Advise best practices and optimizations throughout design projects.

  • Collaborate with fellow designers to develop new approaches for creating more-expressive graphics for the company

  • Work with a wide range of media and graphic design software

  • Establish creative direction for the company within brand guidelines

  • Manage multiple projects within design specifications and budget restrictions

  • Implement feedback and changes whenever possible


  • Bachelor’s degree or higher in a creative field

  • Proficiency in programs such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Lightroom - Excellent written and verbal communication skills

  • Minimum of one years experience in graphic design

  • Attention to detail

  • Time management and organizational skills

  • Knowledge of layouts, graphic fundamentals, typography, print, and web - Experience with both print and digital media

  • Have knowledge in copywriting

*Please submit your CV in English. Benefit; Basic Salary, BPJS


BPJSGaji Pokok

Hari Kerja

Senin - Minggu

Jam Kerja

09:00 - 17:00

Tentang Perusahaan

PT Magada Tirta Amerta

PT Magada Tirta Amerta

Pengelola SDM

PT Magada Tirta Amerta adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Outsourcing

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