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Detail Pekerjaan

PT Penta Artha Impressi (Member of Indomobil Group)

People & Organization Development Supervisor

PT Penta Artha Impressi (Member of Indomobil Group)


Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta


Full-TimeKerja di kantor

Terakhir diperbarui 0 hari yang lalu



Minimal S1


Jenis Kelamin

Tidak ada ketentuan



Tidak ada ketentuan



Minimal 4 Tahun

Pekerjaan ini membutuhkan

checkManajemen KarircheckDevelopmentcheckAnalisis PekerjaancheckEvaluasi KinerjacheckKeterampilan PresentasicheckAnalisis Kebutuhan PelatihancheckManajemen Hubungan Kerja

Deskripsi Pekerjaan


  • Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field (preferred in Psychology)

  • Having experience in organization development and training at least 4 years or more

  • Willing to be placed in Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat

  • Excellent computer skills, including Ms. Excel, Power Point, and Visio

  • Self-starter and independent with the ability to work in a fast-paced, dynamic environment

  • Excellent leadership capabilities with strong presentation and interpersonal skills

  • Capable of seeking out new ideas, exhibiting initiative and being proactive



  1. Design, implement, and evaluate talent development programs to enhance employee skills, competencies, and performance

  2. Develop and deliver training programs, workshops, and learning initiatives to address skill gaps and development needs identified within the organization

  3. Assist in organizational design efforts to ensure alignment with business goals, optimize structure, and enhance agility and efficiency

  4. Handle talent management cycle such as Individual Development Plan (IDP), people movement & succession plan

  5. Plan & execute organizational culture internalization program and employee engagement

  6. Designing and implementing performance management programs to ensure that employees are meeting performance standards and goals

  7. Measuring the achievement of established goals

  8. Analyzing data and creating reports to identify trends and opportunities for improvement.

  9. Collaborating with other departments to ensure that the organization is aligned with its mission and goals.


BPJSCuti tahunanGaji PokokPelatihan/kursusTHRUang makanTunjangan transportasi

Hari Kerja

Senin - Jumat

Jam Kerja

08:00 - 17:00

Tentang Perusahaan

PT Penta Artha Impressi (Member of Indomobil Group)

PT Penta Artha Impressi (Member of Indomobil Group)


PT Penta Artha Impressi merupakan member dari Indomobil Group, berdiri pada tahun 2011 dengan brand Bengkel BOS (Ban Oli Service) yang memprioritaskan usahanya pada bidang penjualan ban, oli dan service mobil. Saat ini Bengkel BOS sudah memiliki 28 cabang yang tersebar di Jabodetabek dan Yogyakarta. Visi : Menjadi bengkel terkemuka dengan memiliki layanan service yang dapat diandalkan dan menjual spare parts berkualitas. Misi : Memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan dengan memberikan pelayanan jasa perbaikan kendaraan yang cepat dan memuaskan serta menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang nyaman bagi pelanggan dan karyawan.

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