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Detail Pekerjaan

Sunarisa Speaking School

Public Speaking Teacher for Kids / Guru Public Speaking Anak

Sunarisa Speaking School


Kota Denpasar, Bali


Part-TimeKerja di kantor


Rp 1.000.000 - Rp 5.000.000

Lowongan sudah ditutup



Minimal SMA/SMK/Sederajat


Jenis Kelamin

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Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Company Description

Hello everyone! We are Sunarisa Speaking School; a public speaking and leadership school that helps children to become more confident and brave!

Role Description : Public Speaking Coach for Kids


  • Passionate Communicator: We're seeking an enthusiastic individual with a degree in Communication, Public Relation, or other related major with public speaking experience.

  • Love for Kids: A genuine love for children is essential, creating a warm and encouraging environment for our students who are around 5-15 years young.

  • English Speaker: Proficiency in English at a minimum B2 level certification is preferred.

  • Onsite Branch : This is part-time / full-time role teaching in the lively Sanur, Bali area. So, make sure you know how to get there!

Benefit :

Monthly basic fee and bonus fee for events

Flexible teaching schedule, you can choose your own teaching schedule in a week.

Public Speaking Training (valued Rp5.000.000)

If you’re ready to embark on this exciting experience, please apply here bit.ly/coachsunarisa


Bonus kinerjaGaji PokokRekreasi karyawan

Hari Kerja

Kamis - Minggu

Jam Kerja

13:00 - 18:00

Tentang Perusahaan

Sunarisa Speaking School

Sunarisa Speaking School


Sunarisa Speaking School merupakan sebuah usaha atau bisnis yang bergerak di bidang Pendidikan yang menyediakan jasa bimbingan belajar atau les private untuk pelajar SD/SMP/SMA/Sederajat

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