Detail Pekerjaan
Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat
Full-Time • Kerja lapangan
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Minimal SMA/SMK/Sederajat
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Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Min SMA/Sederajat (Fresh Graduate Welcome to Apply)
Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik
Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan
Mengarahkan pasien mengisi formulir online
Hari Kerja
Senin - Sabtu
Jam Kerja
09:00 - 17:00
Tentang Perusahaan
Welcome to Lusso Baby Spa, a leading company dedicated to providing unique and enjoyable experiences for your baby. Established in 2023, Lusso Baby Spa has become a trusted destination for baby care inspired by tenderness and loving touch. We understand that every parent wants the best for their little ones. That's why, at Lusso Baby Spa, we are committed to delivering high-quality services with strict standards of safety and hygiene. All our staff members are professionally trained and experienced in caring for babies with utmost attention and love. Our philosophy is to create a relaxed, comfortable, and stimulating environment for the development and growth of your baby. Through baby swim sessions, your little one will experience the soothing warmth of the water, helping them feel more relaxed and at ease. We also offer gentle baby massage services, which enhance blood circulation, reduce cramps, and bring happiness to your baby.
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